I got inspired by very few people/ Managers in my life.
There was a manager I was reporting to and he was an IITian from IIT Bombay..
He is very knowledgeable and he has deep technical knowledge on various engineering topics.
Personally also he was good and people use to find it difficult in understanding his intentions, so they thought that he was rude. But really he was a nice guy.
Every week starting he will ask me for a status update on the project and he will ask for the plan of action on the coming weeks or even days. So that it will be easy for us to plan our self and track our work. Also he had taught me from where he learnt how to manage his professional life and personal life.
He suggested me a book from Stephen R Covey and that book is called " 7 Habits of effective People".. It was really an awesome book and very good content.
I read that book almost 15 years ago but still I remember those 7 habits..
1. Be Proactive
2. Begin with an End in mind
3. Put first things first
4. Seek first to understand than to be understood
5. Win-Win
6. Synergize
7. Sharpen the Saw
The book also has some work sheets which can be used to define our "Short Term" Goals and "Long term Goals"
Some management quotes that are great...
You manage things; you lead people. – Admiral Grace Murray Hopper
Leaders think and talk about the solutions. Followers think and talk about the problems. – Brian Tracy
Leadership is the art of giving people a platform for spreading ideas that work. – Seth Godin
Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality. – Warren Bennis
Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut
through argument, debate and doubt to offer a solution everybody can
understand. – Colin Powell
Leadership is the ability to hide your panic from others. – Lao Tuz
The smartest thing I ever did was to hire my weakness. – Sara Blakely
10 Qualities of an effecient leader
1. Lead by examples - just by being punctual, this is a basic example which every leader should have.
2. Delegation - delegation is essential to be successful, some managers even after growing up to higher level, still they tend to do micro monitoring and doing things on themselves. because they dont trust people work under them.
3. Consideration - Leaders should think about the people working under them, their problems, personal and official. If you just dump some work on the subordinates without even thinking if they can do it or not, then it will fail.. Also it is not good to give orders to the people working under you, assign the work to someone, the reason being only they can do that, in a way showing the importance.
4. Appreciation - this is very important on all the stages of work and to be more frequent..A person who is not been appreciated will feel himself
5. Listening skills - a leader should be capable of listening to his team and just deploying new ideas without discussing with anyone. And ideas to be discussed and not announced, because he is a boss..
6. Open to learn - Disregard of age and experience, a leader will always be ready to learn new things. Because no one is expert on everything.. Need to respect the skilled employees..
7. Job satisfaction - This is very important aspect, to keep the attrition rate down. It is not just money which forces employees to quit their current job. It is their "Job Satisfaction".. There are many employees who are under paid, but still they stick to their job for many years, thats because of the work environment, culture and mainly the reporting manager. A manager's duty is to find what the employee will be delighted to do and what makes him annoyed in the tasks assigned to him.. Even though there is no way to avoid the annoying work, still a manager should make it clear to the employee that he understands that and it is part of the job..No work is so unimportant..
8. Mentoring - Should help employees to reach upto his level...To teach them to grow up the lader and aso give them confidence in achieving that.
9. Stop being Negative - A leader can criticize his team member, but in a healthy way and also showing the way to overcome that and reach a better level. Negative critisization and poking will end up in creating frusttration among the team members and it will force them to quit.
10. Transperency -