Download the VAULT executable for Linux - 32bit, 64bit or arm/arm64
And just run it as a shell script
There are options how to use it, just follow the document.
$ vault
usage: vault [-version] [-help] [args]
Common commands:
delete Delete operation on secrets in Vault
path-help Look up the help for a path
read Read data or secrets from Vault
renew Renew the lease of a secret
revoke Revoke a secret.
server Start a Vault server
status Outputs status of whether Vault is sealed and if HA mode is enabled
unwrap Unwrap a wrapped secret
write Write secrets or configuration into Vault
All other commands:
audit-disable Disable an audit backend
audit-enable Enable an audit backend
audit-list Lists enabled audit backends in Vault
auth Prints information about how to authenticate with Vault
auth-disable Disable an auth provider
auth-enable Enable a new auth provider
capabilities Fetch the capabilities of a token on a given path
generate-root Generates a new root token
init Initialize a new Vault server
key-status Provides information about the active encryption key
list List data or secrets in Vault
mount Mount a logical backend
mount-tune Tune mount configuration parameters
mounts Lists mounted backends in Vault
policies List the policies on the server
policy-delete Delete a policy from the server
policy-write Write a policy to the server
rekey Rekeys Vault to generate new unseal keys
remount Remount a secret backend to a new path
rotate Rotates the backend encryption key used to persist data
seal Seals the vault server
ssh Initiate a SSH session
step-down Force the Vault node to give up active duty
token-create Create a new auth token
token-lookup Display information about the specified token
token-renew Renew an auth token if there is an associated lease
token-revoke Revoke one or more auth tokens
unmount Unmount a secret backend
unseal Unseals the vault server
version Prints the Vault version