Solaris 11 - Service Management Commands

Show all services (including disabled services):
# svcs

List detailed information about system/zones:
# svcs -l system/zones

List processes associated with the network/netcfg service:
# svcs -p network/netcfg

Show why services that are enabled but are not running, or preventing other

services from running:

# svcs -xv

Enable a service called network/dns/client:
# svcadm enable network/dns/client

Restart a service called network/nfs/server using an abbreviated FMRI:

# svcadm restart nfs/server

Disable a service called network/ssh:
# svcadm disable network/ssh

Display all properties and values in the SMF configuration repository for the

service network/ssh:
# svcprop network/ssh

Interactively display the general/enabled property within the SMF configuration

repository for the service network/ssh:
# svccfg

svc:> select ssh:default

svc:/network/ssh:default> listprop general/enabled

svc:/network/ssh:default> exit

Set the port number of the application/pkg/server service to 10000:

# svccfg -s application/pkg/server setprop pkg/port=10000

# svcadm refresh application/pkg/server

Configure email notifications for all services that drop from online to

maintenance state:
# svccfg setnotify -g from-online,to-maintenance \

List all configuration changes that have been made in the SMF configuration

repository to the name-service/switch service:
# svccfg -s name-service/switch listcust -L

Solaris 11 zones - command reference

Create a zone with an exclusive IP network stack:

# zonecfg -z testzone

testzone: No such zone configured

Use 'create' to begin configuring a new zone.

zonecfg:testzone> create

zonecfg:testzone> set zonepath=/zones/testzone

zonecfg:testzone> set autoboot=true

zonecfg:testzone> verify

zonecfg:testzone> commit

zonecfg:testzone> exit

List all running zones verbosely:

# zoneadm list -v

List all configured zones:

# zoneadm list -c

List all installed zones:

# zoneadm list -i

Install a zone:
# zoneadm -z testzone install

Boot a zone:
# zoneadm -z testzone boot

List configuration about a zone:

# zoneadm -z testzone list

Login to a zone:

# zlogin -C testzone

Halt a zone
# zoneadm -z testzone halt

Shutdown a zone
# zoneadm -z testzone shutdown

Monitor a zone for CPU, memory and network utilization every 10 seconds:
# zonestat -z testzone 10

Solaris 11 CheatSheet

Create an install service from a downloaded ISO file, specifying x86 based DHCP

client starting at address with a total count of 10 addresses:
# installadm create-service -n s11x86 -i -c 10 -s

List all enabled services:
# installadm list

List any installation manifests associated with the install services:
# installadm list -m
Export the default installation manifest associated with the s11x86 service:
# installadm export -n s11x86 -m orig_default > manifest.xml
Import a manifest to be associated with the s11x86 service:
# installadm update-manifest -n s11x86 -m orig_default \

-f manifest.xml
List any system configuration profiles associated with the install services:
# installadm list -p
Create a system configuration profile interactively, saving the contents to a file:
# sysconfig create-profile -o profile.xml
Validate a system configuration profile against the default x86 install service:
# installadm validate -n default-i386 -P profile.xml
Associate a system configuration profile with the deafult x86 install service and
give it a name sc-profile:
# installadm create-profile -n default-i386 -f profile.xml \

-p sc-profile
Apply a criteria that all clients must have 4096MB memory or greater to the
manifest s11manifest of s11x86 service:
# installadm set-criteria -m s11manifest -n s11x86 \

-a MEM="4096-unbounded"
Configuring nodename:
# svccfg –s svc:/system/identity:node setprop \

config/nodename = "myhost"

# svcadm refresh svc:/system/identity:node

# svcadm restart svc:/system/identity:node
Configuring console keyboard layout:
# svccfg –s keymap:default setprop keymap/layout = UK-English

# svcadm refresh keymap
# svcadm restart keymap

Configuring system locale:
# svccfg –s timezone:default setprop \

timezone/localtime = astring: US/Mountain
# svcadm refresh timezone:default

Unconfigure a system and start an interactive configuration tool on reboot:
# sysconfig configure -s
Create a system configuration profile:
# sysconfig create-profile -o sc-profile.xml
Configure a system according to a system configuration profile:
# sysconfig configure -c sc-profile.xml


Revert to root as normal user account:

# rolemod –K type=normal root
Configure root as a role (default):
# usermod –K type=role root
Add a new user and delegate him the System Adminstrator profile:
# useradd -d /export/home/joerg -P "System Administrator" joerg


Create a boot environment:
# beadm create solaris-05032012
Activate a boot environment:
# beadm activate solaris-05032012
Delete a boot environment:
# beadm destroy solaris-05032012
Show boot environments from SPARC boot PROM:
ok boot -L
Boot into a boot environment from SPARC boot PROM:
ok boot -Z rpool/ROOT/solaris-05032012

PKG Commands
Install a package called diagnostic/wireshark:

# pkg install diagnostic/wireshark

Install a group package to provide a desktop environment:
# pkg install solaris-desktop
Update all possible packages to the newest version, including any zones:
# pkg update
Do a dry run of a system update to understand what packages may change:
# pkg update -nv
Uninstall a package called diagnostic/wireshark:
# pkg uninstall wireshark
List all packages installed on a system:
# pkg list
Get more information about an installed package called diagnostic/wireshark:
# pkg info wireshark
List the contents of an installed package called diagnostic/wireshark:
# pkg contents wireshark
Search all packages in the configured repositories for a file called math.h:
# pkg search math.h
Search for all packages installed on a system that have a dependency on
# pkg search -l -o 'depend::library/libxml2'
List currently associated package publishers:
# pkg publisher
Connect to the Oracle support repository and update the system:
# pkg set-publisher -g \

-G -k /path/to/ssl_key \

-c /path/to/ssl_cert solaris

# pkg update


ZFS commands

Create a ZFS pool with a single disk:
# zpool create testpool c3t2d0
Create a ZFS pool with 3 disks in RAID0 configuration:
# zpool create testpool c3t2d0 c3t3d0 c3t4d0

Create a ZFS pool with 3 disks in RAID1 configuration:
# zpool create testpool mirror c3t2d0 c3t3d0 c3t4d0

Create a ZFS pool with 3 disks in a RAIDZ configuration (single parity):
# zpool create testpool raidz c2t2d0 c3t3d0 c3t4d0
Create a ZFS pool with 1 disk and 1 disk as seperate ZIL (ZFS Intent Log):
# zpool create testpool c3t2d0 log c3t3d0
Create a ZFS pool with 1 disk and 1 disk as L2ARC (Level 2 storage cache):
# zpool create testpool c3t2d0 cache c3t3d0
Share a filesystem via NFS:
# zfs create zpool/fs1

# zfs set share=name=fs1,path=/rpool/fs1,prot=nfs rpool/fs1

# zfs set sharenfs=on rpool/fs1
Share a filesystem via CIFS:
# pkg install service/filesystem/smb

# svcadm enable -r smb/server

# echo "other password required nowarn" \

>> /etc/pam.conf

# smbadm enable-user joerg

# zfs set share=name=sh1,path=/rpool/fs1,prot=smb rpool/fs1

# zfs set sharesmb=on rpool/fs1
Use shadow migration:
# pkg install shadow-migration

# svcadm enable shadowd

# zfs set readonly=on path/to/data

# zfs create -o shadoow=file:///path/to/data \


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