Solaris 11 zones - command reference

Create a zone with an exclusive IP network stack:

# zonecfg -z testzone

testzone: No such zone configured

Use 'create' to begin configuring a new zone.

zonecfg:testzone> create

zonecfg:testzone> set zonepath=/zones/testzone

zonecfg:testzone> set autoboot=true

zonecfg:testzone> verify

zonecfg:testzone> commit

zonecfg:testzone> exit

List all running zones verbosely:

# zoneadm list -v

List all configured zones:

# zoneadm list -c

List all installed zones:

# zoneadm list -i

Install a zone:
# zoneadm -z testzone install

Boot a zone:
# zoneadm -z testzone boot

List configuration about a zone:

# zoneadm -z testzone list

Login to a zone:

# zlogin -C testzone

Halt a zone
# zoneadm -z testzone halt

Shutdown a zone
# zoneadm -z testzone shutdown

Monitor a zone for CPU, memory and network utilization every 10 seconds:
# zonestat -z testzone 10

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